Proudly sponsored by:
2025 Events and Sponsorship Opportunities
Connecting Business to Community!
The Crawford County Chamber of Commerce serves as a leading advocate for its members and the county’s business community by creating a positive economic climate, supporting and developing all industries, and attracting others to visit and contribute to our communities. Businesses and individuals like YOU help to ensure that we are able to continue to improve, evolve, and increase the reach and efficacy of that mission. We strive to build a community where our members flourish, industries thrive, and visitors want to experience our past, present, and future.
Please explore all opportunities for involvement throughout the sponsorship document. If any questions arise, of if you don’t see an opportunity for which you are seeking, please contact our office, and we will do what we can to help get you to your desired level of support.
As we developed this year’s sponsorship investments, we made it our goal to ensure that there was an investment option for any and all of our incredible members. From our sole proprietors to our large businesses, there is a way for you to support our mission and our surrounding communities, there is a way for you to support our local businesses and our surrounding community.
As you review this packet, please note that there are a variety of options from which you can select to best meet your organization’s advertising goals, mission, and additional interests. These options include our new Chamber Champion one-ask investment level to a la carte options for each of our events and newsletter.
We thank you for considering to support any of our yearly networking, social, community-driven, and fundraising events.
Interested in Sponsorship?
Contact the team at the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce!
Casie Grau, Executive Director
Bucyrus Office: 419-562-4811
Galion Office: 419-468-7737

2025 Chamber Calendar
February 2025
Economic Development & Business Forecast Breakfast
7:30 AM at The Loft at The Pickwick Place in Bucyrus
March 2025
Health & Wellness Fair (Galion Safety Council)
7:00-10:00 AM at Real Life Nazarene in Galion
April 2025
Women in Business
at the Crawford County Art Center
May 2025
Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet
5:00 PM at The Hub in Crestline
June 2025
Galion Golf Outing
9:00 AM at Valley View Golf Course
August 2025
Bucyrus Golf Outing
9:00 AM at The Golf Club of Bucyrus
October 2025
Manufacturing Breakfast
7:30 AM in Galion
November 2025
See more details about the event here.
December 2025
Holiday Open House & Auction
5:00 PM at The Hub in Crestline
Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec
Chamber Chat – Morning Networking/Education
8:00 AM at Carrie’s Venue, Galion
Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov
Lunch & Learns – Afternoon Networking/Education
12:00 PM at Crawford Success Center, Bucyrus
Each Month
Galion Safety Council
8:00 AM at Real Life Naz, Galion. See more details about the event here.
Summer Fridays in the Community
First Fridays in Bucyrus
June 6th – July 3rd – August 1st
First Fridays in Galion
June 20th – July 18th – August 15th
Chamber Champion
For businesses who are interested in being a part of the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce’s full slate of events and our annual efforts, this sponsorship is for you. By Championing the Chamber, you are invoiced one time, at the beginning of the year, and our Chamber staff will ensure that your company receives the following benefits throughout the year as a small token of our appreciation for what you have generously provided.
A Year-Long Presence Alongside the Chamber:
- Your logo included on the header of the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce website
- Your logo included on the cover photo of the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce Facebook
- Your business name included in a “Thank You” to our Chamber Champions at the footer of our monthly newsletters
- Your business name included in press releases put out by the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
Included as a Table Sponsor at the Following Annual Events:
- Annual Meeting & Awards (May 7)
- Holiday Open House & Auction (Dec. 11)
Included as an Event Supporter at the Following Events:
- Economic Development & Business Forecast Breakfast
- Health & Wellness Fair
- Golf Outings (Galion & Bucyrus)
- Crawford-Opoly
Team Registration for the Galion OR Bucyrus Golf Outing
Opportunity to have Presence at the Following Events:
- Chamber Member Appreciation & Open House
- First Fridays in Bucyrus
Investment: $5,000
Become a Key Component
Our Champions of the Chamber Sponsors are a key component in our ability to complete our Strategic Objectives. With your support, we can continue to serve you, and all our members, to the best of our abilities.
Advocate for Chamber Members
We advocate for Crawford County businesses and organizations at the local, state, and national government levels to support programs, initiatives, and policies that uphold our mission.
Connect Resources in the Community
To maximize impact and promote local products and services.
Economic Development
To contribute to economic development efforts for commerce, industry, and all professions by maintaining and strengthening a sound and healthy business climate in the Crawford County Area.
Increased Member Engagement
Through strategic business development, events, and networking opportunities.
Provide Value-Added Services & Events
To provide members with value-added services made available through their chamber membership
Events & Sponsorship Opportunities
Click the tabs below to view more details for each event.
Economic Development & Business Forecast Breakfast
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at 7:30 AM
Title Sponsor ($1,000)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the table centerpieces and opportunity to provide promotional materials to be set at each table or place setting
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition in the program, placemat and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
Event Sponsor ($250)
- Printed recognition in the program, placemat, and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials/items for the goodie bags
Health & Wellness Fair
Thursday, March 20th, 2025 from 7:00-10:00 AM
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recogn it ion in the program, placemat and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner
Wednesday, May 7th, 2025 from 5:00-8:00 PM
- Exclusive sponsorship of the table centerpieces with your company name/logo on each table
- Opportunity to provide signage by the buffet table, dessert table, and/or the bar
- Verbal recognition at the event, printed recognition on program/press release as title sponsor
- Social media/web recognition before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and digital thanks before and after the event
- Listed as a supporter on the Facebook Event/Web description
- Two tickets to the event
One Countywide Chamber – Two Golf Outings
Galion Golf Outing: Thursday, June 26th, 2025
Bucyrus Golf Outing: Wednesday, August 6th, 2025
Please Note: When making your selections, you will be asked to choose whether you want your sponsorship to apply to the Galion Golf Outing or the Bucyrus Golf Outing. Thank you!
Dinner Sponsor – Bucyrus ($800)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the dinner provided following the tournament
- Complimentary team registration
- Opportunity to provide signage (linen, banner, etc.) to be displayed on the dinner tables
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
Lunch Sponsor ($1,000)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the lunch provided following the tournament
- Complimentary team registration
- Opportunity to provide signage (linen, banner, etc.) to be displayed on the lunch tables
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Large golf outing signage placed in a prominent area during the lunch
Breakfast Sponsor ($500)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the lunch provided following the tournament
- Opportunity to provide signage (linen, banner, etc.) to be displayed on the lunch tables
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Large golf outing signage placed in a prominent area during the lunch
Co-Sponsor ($300)
- Large golf outing signage displayed in a prominent location
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Opportunity to provide goodie bag items for each player
Beverage Cart Sponsor ($300)
- Logo’d signage displayed on the beverage cart
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Opportunity to decorate your cart
- Option to provide goodie bag items
Putting Contest Sponsor ($300)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the putting contest
- Opportunity to provide signage and/or volunteers for this station
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
Hole Sponsor ($150)
- Logo’d signage displayed at a hole along the course
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Option to provide goodie bag items
First Fridays in Bucyrus
June 6th – July 3rd – August 1st
EVENT SUPPORTER ($400 for all 3 months or $150 per month)
- Verbal recognition on the press release for the event
- Complimentary vendor space at your chosen month
- Social media recognition before and after the event
Third Fridays in Galion
June 20th – July 18th – August 15th
EVENT SUPPORTER ($400 for all 3 months or $150 per month)
- Verbal recognition at the event and on the press release for the event
- Complimentary vendor space at your chosen mont h
- Social media recognition before and after the event
Holiday Open House & Auction
Thursday, December 11th, 2025 from 5:00-8:00 PM
- Exclusive sponsorship of the table centerpieces with your company name/logo on each table
- Opportunity to provide signage by the buffet table, dessert table, and/or the bar
- Verbal recognition at the event, printed recognition on program/press release as title sponsor
- Social media/website recognition before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and digital thanks before and after the event
- Listed as a supporter on the Facebook Event/Web description
- Two tickets to the event
Visit BucyrUS
Summer Music at Schines
July 24th – July 29th – August 26th
- Your logo displayed on the side stage banner – this banner will be displayed for all 3 months at Schine’s Art Park
- Rights to introduce one band or mentioned on stage at beginning of concerts
- Opportunity to set up informational tables or pass out samples or swag at concerts
- Special social media “shout out” on the Bucyrus Tourism Page
Visit BucyrUS
Best “Wurst” Bike Ride
August 16th, 2025
- Logo displayed on the auctioned adult and child bikes that your sponsorship helps to cover
- Your company logo on all printed materials and digital advertising
- Listed as the Title Sponsor on the press release and registration site
- Social Spotlight on Bucyrus Tourism page
Visit BucyrUS
Candlelight Christmas
December 4th, 2025
- Your company logo on all printed materials advertising the event
- Logo on the Carriage Ride Banner
- Social media and website recognition through the event
- Listed as the Carriage Ride Sponsor on the press releases
- Social Spotlight on Bucyrus Tourism page
Visit BucyrUS
Tourism E-Newsletter
Bucyrus Tourism is giving your business the opportunity to reach our membership- and beyond- in an exciting and informational way with our monthly E-Newsletter Sponsorships. At the start of each month, the Crawford County Chamber pushes out a “Bucyrus Tourism” including all things food, activities, shopping, and more. Your advertisement will give our subscribers the opportunity to click straight to your website or socials.
- Size – 468px Wide by 120px Tall
- Cost – $100 per month or $1,000 for all of 2025
- Location – Directly below the Chamber Masthead
- One Top Banner per Issue
- Size – 468px Wide by 60px Tall
- Cost – $50 per month or $500 for all of 2025
- Location – The very end of each issue
- One Bottom Banner per Issue
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at 7:30 AM
Title Sponsor ($1,000)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the table centerpieces and opportunity to provide promotional materials to be set at each table or place setting
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition in the program, placemat and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
Event Sponsor ($250)
- Printed recognition in the program, placemat, and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials/items for the goodie bags
Thursday, March 20th, 2025 from 7:00-10:00 AM
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition in the program, placemat and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
Wednesday, May 7th, 2025 from 5:00-8:00 PM
- Exclusive sponsorship of the table centerpieces with your company name/logo on each table
- Opportunity to provide signage by the buffet table, dessert table, and/or the bar
- Verbal recognition at the event, printed recognition on program/press release as title sponsor
- Social media/web recognition before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and digital thanks before and after the event
- Listed as a supporter on the Facebook Event/Web description
- Two tickets to the event
Galion Golf Outing: Thursday, June 26th, 2025
Bucyrus Golf Outing: Wednesday, August 6th, 2025
Please Note: When making your selections, you will be asked to choose whether you want your sponsorship to apply to the Galion Golf Outing or the Bucyrus Golf Outing. Thank you!
Dinner Sponsor – Bucyrus ($800)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the dinner provided following the tournament
- Complimentary team registration
- Opportunity to provide signage (linen, banner, etc.) to be displayed on the dinner tables
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
Lunch Sponsor ($1,000)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the lunch provided following the tournament
- Complimentary team registration
- Opportunity to provide signage (linen, banner, etc.) to be displayed on the lunch tables
- Verbal recognition at the event
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Large golf outing signage placed in a prominent area during the lunch
Breakfast Sponsor ($500)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the lunch provided following the tournament
- Opportunity to provide signage (linen, banner, etc.) to be displayed on the lunch tables
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Large golf outing signage placed in a prominent area during the lunch
Co-Sponsor ($300)
- Large golf outing signage displayed in a prominent location
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Opportunity to provide goodie bag items for each player
Beverage Cart Sponsor ($300)
- Logo’d signage displayed on the beverage cart
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Opportunity to decorate your cart
- Option to provide goodie bag items
Putting Contest Sponsor ($300)
- Exclusive sponsorship of the putting contest
- Opportunity to provide signage and/or volunteers for this station
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
Hole Sponsor ($150)
- Logo’d signage displayed at a hole along the course
- Printed recognition on press releases, event post, and website
- Option to provide goodie bag items
June 6th – July 3rd – August 1st
EVENT SUPPORTER ($400 for all 3 months or $150 per month)
- Verbal recognition on the press release for the event
- Complimentary vendor space at your chosen month
- Social media recognition before and after the event
June 20th – July 18th – August 15th
EVENT SUPPORTER ($400 for all 3 months or $150 per month)
- Verbal recognition at the event and on the press release for the event
- Complimentary vendor space at your chosen mont h
- Social media recognition before and after the event
Thursday, December 11th, 2025 from 5:00-8:00 PM
- Exclusive sponsorship of the table centerpieces with your company name/logo on each table
- Opportunity to provide signage by the buffet table, dessert table, and/or the bar
- Verbal recognition at the event, printed recognition on program/press release as title sponsor
- Social media/website recognition before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and press release
- Social media/web presence before and after the event
- Full Table at the event (8 seats)
- Printed recognition in the program and digital thanks before and after the event
- Listed as a supporter on the Facebook Event/Web description
- Two tickets to the event
July 24th – July 29th – August 26th
- Your logo displayed on the side stage banner – this banner will be displayed for all 3 months at Schine’s Art Park
- Rights to introduce one band or mentioned on stage at beginning of concerts
- Opportunity to set up informational tables or pass out samples or swag at concerts
- Special social media “shout out” on the Bucyrus Tourism Page
August 16th, 2025
- Logo displayed on the auctioned adult and child bikes that your sponsorship helps to cover
- Your company logo on all printed materials and digital advertising
- Listed as the Title Sponsor on the press release and registration site
- Social Spotlight on Bucyrus Tourism page
December 4th, 2025
- Your company logo on all printed materials advertising the event
- Logo on the Carriage Ride Banner
- Social media and website recognition through the event
- Listed as the Carriage Ride Sponsor on the press releases
- Social Spotlight on Bucyrus Tourism page
Bucyrus Tourism is giving your business the opportunity to reach our membership- and beyond- in an exciting and informational way with our monthly E-Newsletter Sponsorships. At the start of each month, the Crawford County Chamber pushes out a “Bucyrus Tourism” including all things food, activities, shopping, and more. Your advertisement will give our subscribers the opportunity to click straight to your website or socials.
- Size – 468px Wide by 120px Tall
- Cost – $100 per month or $1,000 for all of 2025
- Location – Directly below the Chamber Masthead
- One Top Banner per Issue
- Size – 468px Wide by 60px Tall
- Cost – $50 per month or $500 for all of 2025
- Location – The very end of each issue
- One Bottom Banner per Issue