
Our Chamber Members Are

  • Visible

    Chamber members are listed in our online membership directory with logos and links to their websites, and receive print ad opportunities at a reduced Chamber rate. Additional advertising opportunities and support are available.

  • Credible

    Members are promoted via social media, and are given preferred referrals by the Chamber office. Member to member business is encouraged, and Chamber membership decals demonstrate business involvement.

  • Connected

    Members are part of our Chamber network, and receive a weekly Chamber eUpdate filled with the latest information about community events, our local business climate, educational opportunities, social & networking events, charitable efforts and more. Members have the opportunity to contribute to the Update as well, and receive check fraud alerts and other public safety announcements affecting our community.

  • Educated

    Small businesses supporting each other is the basis of our monthly Chamber Business Workshops. In these one hour sessions, knowledgeable members lead roundtable discussions on a variety of topics relevant to local businesses, including social media, marketing strategies, leadership, financial resources, community development, and more.

  • Engaged

    The Crawford County Chamber of Commerce holds a bi-monthly Chamber open house and offers a multitude of networking opportunities as well as annual Chamber events. Chamber members also participate in community events. Member engagement is always optional as your schedule allows, but we encourage you to be as active as possible to make the most of your membership!

  • Supported

    Chamber members have access to discounts on utility expenses, Workers Comp, and health insurance. Discounted advertising is available on Chamber pages in some local publications. The Chamber also offers business support to our members, including administrative support services, fax & notary, as well as meeting space.

Chamber Membership Investment Benefits

Added Value

All Galion-Crestline Area Chamber of Commerce members have access to many valuable benefits through their chamber membership. As a member of the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce, your business or organization is welcome to utilize our wide array of benefits, designed to help you promote and manage your business.


Chamber membership increases exposure for your business/organization to other businesses and community members.


Membership gives you pertinent information and a collective voice on the local, state, and national issues that matter to small businesses.


Our Chamber Chats and Business After Hours are a fun way to network and be aware of the latest events and community happenings.

Chamber networking event with members socializing at a coffee shop.


Group Health Insurance
Discounts available to small businesses through the Chamber Saver Plan with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Call the Chamber office for details at 419-468-7737.

Personal & Business Insurance
Discounts available. Save up to 12% on your business insurance through Auto Owners Insurance. Contact Hamilton Insurance Services, Inc. at 419-526-4700 to learn more.

Natural Gas & Electric

Discounts available through Alternative Energy Source. Call 1-866-646-7322 for details.


Your membership investment supports the Chamber website, which provides a free link to all Chamber member business websites as well as a free business listing. Update your chamber membership listing information by clicking HERE.

Email Updates

Promote your products, services, and/or special events to all chamber members (call for details 419-468-7737).

Bulk Mailing

Save money on postage by using the Chamber’s bulk mailing permit.

Monthly Newsletter

The Chamber newsletter reaches membership with reasonable advertising rates and provides updates on Chamber activities.

Member Referrals

When the Chamber receives inquiries from potential customers asking where they should do business, we refer them to Chamber members.

Economic Development

The Chamber is actively involved in area economic development efforts that will help grow your business.

Your Chamber is Active and Involved

You will benefit from our involvement with the BBB, the Ohio Chamber, and the U. S. Chamber of Commerce.

Group Workers Compensation

Did you know that many alternative discounts are available to help reduce your annual Ohio workers’ compensation costs? Through the Sedgwick workers’ compensation program, your organization can significantly reduce its workers’ compensation costs through a variety of alternative rating programs. Sedgwick offers you quality service and stability through the complex workers’ compensation environment.

For over 50 years, Sedgwick has been helping employers navigate Ohio’s workers’ compensation system, providing services to help them control claim-related costs and reduce premiums. Their team includes the experienced colleagues from CompManagement and CareWorks Comp, which merged to become Sedgwick. Together, they serve nearly 65,000 Ohio employers, including organizations of all sizes operating in various industries across the state.

Group rating programs administered by Sedgwick have produced over $4 billion in savings since group rating was introduced in 1991, and their group retrospective programs have returned over $630 million in premium refunds since the program began in 2009.

If your organization is not yet participating in this member benefit, and you would like to receive a free, no-obligation analysis from Sedgwick, email David Deyo at [email protected] or apply online at

Contact Information

David Deyo
Client Services Associate – Sedgwick
Cell: 614-318-5516 | Work: 614-376-5401
Email | Website

Lisa Shaver
Group Safety Account Executive – Risk Control 360, LLC 
5500 Glendon Ct., Ste 360 | Dublin, OH 43016 
Phone: 877-360-3608
Email | Website

Deb Cofrancesco
BWC Rep – Bureau of Workers’ Compensation
Phone: 419-631-3140 
Email | Website